Fee-Only Financial Planning / Advising in Kitchener Waterloo Cambridge - WD Development


Effective Financial Plan

I don’t want your plan to sit in a drawer.  Or on a shelf collecting dust.  When you take the time and effort to work with me, my goal is to develop a plan that effective and relevant to you.

How do I do that?  If I don’t know what I don’t know about your situation, and your situation is unique to you, how do I figure that out?  Simple- I ask the same question a number of times at a specific part of the meeting.  Then I stop talking to hear your answer.  That’s part of what I do as an advisor.

As a client, when you start a thought with “I don’t know if this matters…” the answer is yes.  Whatever follows that phrase always matters to your plan.  The end of that thought is usually what makes your plan effective and relevant.

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Sara McCullough
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